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"…the characters had heart, honesty, sincerity, accessibility and depth and the story had universal appeal"

Monica Trombley, The Angry Redheaded Lawyer

"Ms. Nogee is a playwright and an actress to watch. She understands dialogue and her description of how different people react to abuse is dead on.  [The play] is well written and deals with a subject that is rarely dealt with in a real context."

- Suzanna Bowling, Times Square Chronicles

“Expectations fulfilled but not in ways I expected.  Without giving too much away, I’d highly recommend this show if you want to see theater that’s more than a fun fluff piece.  Aftershocks will make you laugh, cringe and cry in no predictable order.  It was a delight to watch, but be prepared to be moved and leave the theater playing the scenes over in your mind.  Writer/Producer Rori Nogee is captivating and she’s surrounded herself with unforgettable actors.”

- Walter Milani, Club Free Time

 "...a riveting and sad expose”

- Victoria Dammer, Opening Night

“A beautiful, provocative, disturbing and at times comical slice of life.”

- Kimberly Vaughn, The Performance Studio


“…this show managed to integrate the pace and sentiment of “Friends” with some very dark subject matter that most of us would say “how can you possibly make THAT funny?” Somehow, Rori Nogee does it.”

- Monica Trombley, The Angry Redheaded Lawyer



“Siren's Den: A Rock Musical is a new rock opera that echoes All About Eve with a Sapphic twist. It is a realistic timeless tale told in a modern way.”

- Saima Huq, StageBuddy​

“I am just so impressed by the nuanced look at sexuality and how complex all the characters are.”

“It’s Rent meets Rock of Ages meets Single White Female”

“I was engaged emotionally, visually and sonically.”

Siren's Den Audience "Showscore"​​​

(c) Rori Nogee

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